Naoya from Persona 1! Did I do a good job on his hair? that hair is WAY harder than I thought it would be to draw... Next up is Tatsuya from Persona 2! (Also, I'd like to say, personality representations may be off, Haven't played 1 or 2 at all yet... )

the third

TATSUYA SUOU AFTER A LOT OF TIME WORKED SPENT! (help me i am suffering) also that's an E in the background, not an F. NO NO IT'S NOT AN F SHUT UP. just maya, makoto, kotone, yu, and ren! yeah i still have 5 more... it's fun tho! (:

miku sans

ok guys ima play red dead and then go bust a nut


0 percent victory rate

My favorite mayro and loogi game has now turned 10 years old. Super happi for no real reason lmfao. But it did please my childhood and still does so.

What are y'alls favorite/most nostalgic part of this game ?

This took ages. (sorry for the stock underwater photo in the background i was too lazy to actually draw that) 1st image is the finished product, 2nd image is the 2nd sketch, and image 3 is the first, very rough sketch. (tried to do speedpaint, didnt work)



Welcome to my super epic community witch is definitely the only one I have made

There’s no actual rules the ones below are just there so this looks like a normal community I actually don’t give a shit what you post

We have pizza over in the corner

DM @Supper122 if you wanna be a mod


  1. Be nice (not mean)

  2. No nsfw

  3. No spamming

  4. Uh that’s all the rules

  5. #SUPPERSWEEP posts will most likely get featured

  6. Wait no that’s not all the rules

  7. Don’t be a bitch (to anyone) if u are a mod

Nice - @Golden_Official

Do or do not, there is no try - @Fired_

Supper, a light evening meal, typically a small or informal one - @Nicholas_Thy_Trickolas

You can try, you can do anything! - @MrTopHatty

Smash - @Punkel

Peepeepoopoo - @Flourz

*drools over sans undertale and his AU’s* - @Miss-Akatsuki

Report A community for about 1 year