All Posts in Ultraverse Official Team

Feel free to share anything!

Did somebody say #Nightmare?

Anyways this is Nightmare (@TGame2774 's oc ) as Bonnie lol

Hmmmmmm Bagel with cheese on them :D

Huh... Only me seems to be chatting in this community... ._.

Decided to publish a voiceline collection on Scratch cuz why not! (Also serves as a voice acting demo reel)

Young Crimson And Tanya black drawings, they were childhood best friends that later had a crush with each other.

This is also before certain events in the timeline making them the notorious criminals we see them today...

Hi y'all! Glad to see some members around! Feel free to talk, share stuff and whatever you want lol

Artwork of the confrontation between Alison Wallace and Anthony...

(Made by my friend Toecream)

Want to be part of the artist team? Then contact me on Discord: razorstudios47

Or go to Casting Call Club!…
Or just talk to me here ;)


The Markova Necklace Case


In 1986, Britna Markova, the sister of Sadako and Georgi Markova and aunt of the future Moni Markova, was searching for her famous family necklace. However, things would go wrong...

Ever wondered why Boyfriend and Girlfriend were able to respawn with their "Retry" ability? Well, in this project you will be finding out their origins!