announcements in RPG Maker Hub

Share your creations!

The higest scoring game overall, and winner of the RPG Maker Deception Jam is...

NORMAN JONES! JAM ENTRY (I mean, *ahem, employee) OF THE CENTURY! by @HalfAlienos and PsychoAlpacaV

But wait, there's more 👇

2 days left before the #RMjam600 ends at 12am est on the 24th!

Please be sure you do not update your games main package after the 24th. Winners will be announced 1 week later.

Check out the submissions we have so far here :

Thanks to @Winkwing for bringing this up, but RPG Maker XP is currently free :

So if you have an interest in RM, or the jam we're running, now is a great time to get into it!…

To celebrate 600 members in the RPG Maker hub, we're going to be running a game jam!

The Jam will take place between Febuary 9nth and Febuary 23rd, and will have a SPECIAL THEME which will be announced on the 9nth.

Behold, @ninesoulssea is a new moderator whom we have given the permission to use his new powers in this RPG Maker community however he pleases.

The entire RPG Maker franchise is currently on sale! If you've had your eye on one of the RPG Maker engines for a while, now is a great time to get one!

I personally recommend and use MV, but whichever interests you.

Hey everyone, we're super close to 500 members! 🥳

If you're a dev who uses RPG Maker, or have an interest in RM games, check out the community.

And thankyou everyone for the support. ^.^

Also, we need another channel for announcements than "memes".

Hold up lemme make one lol

*edit : there we go

Hey everyone! I've updated the description, and some of the previously blank channels with new banners thanks to @NinjaChicle

Who is also a new mod, be sure to welcome them ^.^