General in Virtual Reality

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BATIM in VR is a mistake

Ft. @Yeah_man20 (Yellow text)

Stride’s multiplayer update is great, now that they’ve fixed their servers.

Nothing beats the adrenaline rush of getting chased by the entire lobby lol.

#VRC photoshoot | ♡ all of my favorite avatars ♡ | last 5 are bloopers lmao


A bunch of screenshots from my last recordings compiled together.

(Can’t you tell I’m bored?)

hihi, I'm very new here ! I'm looking for new friends to play, chat & hangout with. It's my first day here & I'm testing the waters a bit, my bio is full & my DMs are open. ♡

We got 10 followers woohoo

i was playing in a gorilla tag server and all of a sudden every player was sent to this server called 1234567890 and at first we all thought it was a sick joke but then one of my friends disconnected and 2 minutes later said he got banned for 6 months

Read this room 1 through 10

Если среди вас есть люди то пожалуйста объясните мне зачем выэтоделаетеIf there are people among you, please explain to me why you are doing thisあなたの中に人がいる場合は、なぜあなたがこれをやっているのかを私に説明してくださいЯкщо серед вас є люди то будь ласка поясніть мені навіщо ви це робите


The photos compilation.