Comments (1)
(commercial: "Welcome to the FredBear Family Diner, reopening!, here's pizza, soda, cakes, stuffed animals, AND LOTS AND LOTS OF FUN!, come be part of the freddy fazbear family!, we take no responsibility...( reduction of sound)... (John) hey Bryan why don't we go to that pizzeria you so scared of robots you coward (Bryan) I'M NOT A COWARD JHON!(John) so let's go to that pizzeria with me - (Gabriel) Bro Speak up, you talking about gossip?, (John) No, I'm thinking of going to that place called the Fredbear Family Diner. (Gabriel) Can I go there with you?, If so, let's go, (John) let's go!... (john) hm... I found this piece of paper near the entrance of the pizzeria... there are two children and 2 names... James
and... ah... that sheet was torn, this name is familiar....
just me,until now
#fnaf #fangame #horror #action #adventure #puzzle #other #strategy
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed