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The third game of the series.

#rpg #adventure #action #vx #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans

well two type demo are done, just need to double check before release, there will be two type demo version but one of them will be focus, if get the most download, feedback orĀ confirmĀ oneĀ ofĀ three iĀ know on that demo, I hope release on the weekend.


now in process making music (going take long time) and demo will be done also be two demo type it the same but difference battle mechanics in rpg modeĀ whatĀ feelĀ most comfortable. more info on my devlongā€¦

RECAP: I got lotĀ to work and lot to catch up to work,Ā Sep 9, 2021 my computer broke have to put chronicle 3 on hold until get computer, Jun 30 2022 now got a computer but have to RE-learn all software expect music software,

I hope make demo soon

Oh yeah, forgot post this here

Working the game and making new face graphics for Chronicles 3, I forgot made this last year I got from my old hard drive, maybe show more preview screenshot I did miss lot day

Chronicles 3 Now in work about time and I can break this mental block creativity too, the game cover only temporary right.

game status:

making the characters and story (mental block creativity for so long)