
Comments (49)

What do you think?

I really enjoyed playing this game. Gameplay is sweet and graphics are pretty nice. It of course needs to be updated but the early access itself is great so far. Keep up working on it.

Great movement, however I feel like for a game that's as dark as this is, you should have the flashlight always follow the camera, as at times it was hard to see where I was going. (You could have the flashlight mounted to the players head like in the RE2 remake) The atmosphere kinda conflicts with the gameplay loop, it's odd that it's supposed to be a horror game but there's leveling up and money and weapon upgrades. It's not bad just odd. You seem to make it work. The enemies often sneak up on me and because of the flashlight not following the camera it's hard to react to them in time enough to not at least suffer some HP loss, there's no sprint (or perhaps it just wasn't working for me) which made some engagements basically a death sentence. I think putting a limit on how much ammo you have would be fine if the enemies didn't respawn indefinitely, like, if I cleared the map once and then go into a room (or just wait a few minutes) all the enemies I just killed will come back. It lead me to just ignoring enemies unless they were close enough to attack me. There needs to be some indication of you taking damage like a screen flash or camera shake, sometimes I wasn't aware I was taking damage. Definitely, definitely need to fix the flashlight following the camera, I would add some grunts/groans/some kind of audio queue to alert the player to an enemy aggroing to them, and maybe a small, faded glow to the little worm creatures so they can at least be seen somewhat in the tall grass. Also, if you need help with art assets at all (some of those MS Paint pictures were pretty cringey) I would love to contribute in some way, I'm pretty familiar with photoshop and have a drawing tablet. I'm definitely gonna check out the other "The Code" in your library as well as follow the production of this one. It's flaws notwithstanding this was a really fun demo.

When I first downloaded it I had trouble getting to run. I found that by moving the game folder to my desktop it got the game up and running. Not sure if anyone else will need this tip.

looks freaking lit for a game this new, downloading it rn and trying it out

Like you said. Here is the video link. Subscribe to my channel. I am very excited to play the full version of this game. If you want me as a game tester for your project I would be very glad to work with you.

Mysterious creatures have taken over a valley, and Yael is the only one who can figure out where they came from and stop them. Set off into the fog to fight back the monsters and figure out where they came from. chapter 1 is available now, and when we build up interest and funds we'll start on chapter 2 😁. #horror #action #rpg #shooter #mystery #unreal #tps #thriller

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

I got locked out of this account for a bit lol... got a new computer and forgot the password. got it fixed though! and got a video update for ya'll. new computer, new assets, new moves, it's all coming together better than the first :D :D :D


been a while since i was able to update everyone, but we haven't forgotten. we're actually rebuilding the first chapter to expand it a bit and optimize things. we've even got a voice actress lined up for yael. big things coming. stay tuned 😁😁😁

i don't understand game companies being anti streaming... you DON'T want to see people enjoy your game? i don't understand that... we love it. storyline games, i kinda understand, but i still love the thought of a community experiencing it together.

people ask our stance on streaming so to clarify; do it lol. stream, record, broadcast, tell your friends, your neighbors, your neighbors friends etc lol. we fully support and endorse that kind of thing, all we ask is for a link so we can see too

well, we finally heard back about the grant we applied for.. denied.. c'est la vie.. it's a set back but it changes nothing but timeframes. we're still going to make it. too many people like it for us to throw in the towel. might just take a bit longer...

if you saw our Twitter handle in the credits screen, that ones outdated. it got far too political (twitter, man...) and we don't want the game associated with any politics. the new one is @CrystalClearGa2 if you want to chat or what have you 😁😁😁

random post, but this is where 85% of the game was built lol. my sister is selling it and it'll be gone tomorrow, but i wanted to document and share. a little 'behind the scenes' type thing lol.

103 followers? i hadn't been able to check in for a little bit due to traveling, but thank you all so much 😁 we're really glad people are enjoying it. we should hopefully hear back soon about a grant we applied for from epic, but ch 2 starts soon 😁

The deeper you go, the darker it gets...

the combat is pretty fun in this. I've been trying to come up with a sidegame to release for people to enjoy until the next chapters are out. maybe a wave survival where you play as yael in endlessly increasing waves of enemies? still brainstorming...