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Astra: The Fallen Star is a puzzle-platformer game where you play as Astra, a star who has fallen down from the night sky. Your objective is to guide Astra through a strange and mysterious forest on an alien planet. Avoid dangers and solve puzzles all the while you collect Stardust to regain Astra's magical star powers and Star Fragments to rebuild constellations so that Astra can return up into space and get home.

The game is currently in development.

#puzzle #platformer #adventure

Mild Fantasy Violence


We're sorry to say that we weren't able to get the prototype up yesterday. Right now we can't say exactly when it'll be up either. Things don't always go as planned. But hey, this just gives us more time to make the game as good as it can possibly be!

Hi everyone!

We've been working hard this week, the game is coming along well, and if all goes to plan we will have an early prototype build up here tomorrow (Friday). We look forward to you playing our game!

The game page is up!

We will post updates about our progress on the game here as we go along.