
Comments (3)

What do you think?

The game does not launch when I run the exe. How can I fix this?

Bombs and Bullets is a 2D RTS game in the same vein as Command and Conquer. If you are interested in the game please find us on and Twitter. Links below.

Commander Rad

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#strategy #multiplayer #roguelike

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor

Terrain-flattening for building is in.

Now it's big brain time. Gotta write out all the logic to prevent this nonsense from happening.

Oh yeah, the new mouse pointer is in too.

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

Probably won't be able to add it into the game in #2021, but soon, we'll be able to #dronestrike all sorts of ne'er do wells!

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

Makin' cursors today. Here's the one for selling buildings. Pointer is spinning at half the speed of the dollar sign.

Feels kinda cursed. Does this trigger any of you?

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

M8 Buford is in-game and correctly functioning now.

Man, this tank is teeny tiny though. Its only 8m long and 2.6m wide irl.

World needs more light tanks man. They cute.

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

Ah yes. The advanced suspensor turret. Truly a one-of-a-kind technology.

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

Edited the M8 Buford light tank asset creation vid, first model done in Blender. Music by the illustrious @VAVMUSICMAGIC (Twitter)

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

[BnB] Asset Creation - M8 Buford Light Tank
This is the asset creation process for the M8 Buford Light Tank for the US faction in the game Bombs and Bullets, or BnB. This model was created from scratch...

Infantry standing in for a fence.

Io Saturnalia, Happy Festivus, Merry Xmas and prepare for the New Year!

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

M8 Buford's model is finally done. However, the rendering pipes are still in Maya, so I've got to finish it over there.

Still, great first step in ridding myself of Maya.

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

Nearly done the M8 Buford. Really getting the hang of Blender, but not 100% yet.

Blender's modeling kit certainly seems better than Maya 2016, which is what I've been using.

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame #blender

Supply trucks will now go through entry and exit points when gathering and delivering supplies.

Won't really solve the traffic jams until we get object avoidance back into the game though.

Cheers, C.Rad

#gamedev #indiedev #pixelart #strategy #rts #2dgame