Comments (17)

When this game gonna come out
Mmmm a question, why are kirby characters circus added?, the game is supposed to be a revival of the original and these were never in the original game plus you are removing content from the original, I recommend you change the name as this is not a revival.
remenber of talis dollop is my bro he is a child he is realy sad because the comunity ban he he are sad sad and sad pls he wants to be artist on paint is all i gave to say he is realy sad he only want the original SL he can be artist ???

We welcome you to your new job as a technician for the upcoming Sonic's Party World where you will go through many tasks each night, by the end of the week these characters will be ready to perform soon enough, what could possibly go wrong?

Five Nights at Sonic's Sister Location REVIVAL is a revival of FNaS Sister Location and aims to also give the 2015 era feel that the first 5 FNaS games had, with new characters

Coding - 0%
Art - 2%

Creator of FNaS - @TheCyVap_TC
Creator of FNaF - @realscawthon
Director - @SomeGuyAndStuff
Current Official FNaS Game Creator, Giving Permission to be a Character - @shadedAkumu
Coder - @antonnormzilla
Artists - @SomeGuyAndStuff , @PixelMat
, @ColdSky0
Musician - @simongj
Concept Artist - @Virus65
Ideas - @GoldenTime1983
Beta Testers - Sh_ad, CoolGirl/CoolBoi, @Certifiedartist , @JaimeAlv
, @chrisweber
@superkirbyjs - Helping with concepts and designs
Sonic owned by Sega
Mario owned by Nintendo