
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Really fun game! I played with a friend and we had a blast together. Looking forward to more levels, if you end up making them, this was a great time. Took us about 40 minutes to finally beat it lol and would be cool to play again in a new room. Awesome work!!

Hey, your project seems very cool, are you per chance in lookout for a musician ? I'd love to offer my services in the future, keep it up though !!

Ghost Mate is a fun multiplayer game where you and a friend must coordinate to complete the tasks of each level. 

One player will be the human, and the other will be a ghost. The human is the one who has to perform the tasks, but the scenario is full of enemies and invisible traps, the ghost must use the voice chat to warn the human where to move.

If you don't have someone to play with, you can join the public servers!

As you complete tasks, the game will become more challenging as demons appear to test your coordination as a team.



W,A,S,D -- Move Character

E -- Interact (Hand)

Q -- Interact (Item)

C -- Mute Mic


W,A,S,D -- Move Character

E -- Interact (Hand)

Q -- Temporal Sign

F -- Static Sign

C -- Mute Mic

#multiplayer #adventure #survival #puzzle #coop #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

Trying to implement a skins system in my code

Do u have any costume or skins ideas?

I just made a small update to my game and added splash arts owo, I'm not the best at using Clip Studio but I think they came out well haha