Game Community
Ireale Fan Community
7 Members


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Welcome to Ireale, where your medieval dreams come to a blissful reality! But, before you earn your dream occupation, a brave night, you must face the dangers and challenges of keeping the small village safe and complete task! So, don't forget to be a brave young person! Ireale is counting on you!

(You are player, or Alex, a apprentice knight in the drama clustered village of Ireale! Ireale's lead guard, Payton the Great is training you to be a full throttle knight! But he says, you must complete thirty tasks in the span of seven days. If you fail, keep trying and train to be the best knight by fighting vicious monsters and creatures while living the relaxing medieval life! Have fun and stay clean.)


This game, is just a PC game as of right now! There will be more updates to make it available to all platforms. Don't worry! The known controls for this game-

Move - W, A, S, D (Space to jump)

Fight - B(Block), H-F(Hit, Fight)

Pause - (Esc.)

T, I - (Talk, Interact)

Please follow and subscribe to my channel for fun updates!

#action #adventure #rpg #platformer #roguelike #strategy #analog #textadventure #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Everyone! I made the god dang website! Don't worry, it'll be updated almost every day.

Finally, Ireale is being coded. So it'll be done in about five, or six months. Less, hopefully. Follow my Instagram, Twitter, YT, and Gamejolt for any updates!

One, I kind of updated the community, two I will be updating the game page and THREE. I have a new way of applying for jobs. Please click the link below. PLEASE.

Finally, an actual update. Before reading, if you want to participate, please click the link.