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good game
Game Soundtrack

♦ POWERLESS CHAOS is a 2D metroidvania game about fighting inner demons and temptations.
The demons have taken over. Your world is torn. How will you survive? Will you join the demons? Or will you fight your way to save humanity?
POWERLESS CHAOS aims to provide a captivating story with meaningful characters, unique mechanics, an original soundtrack, and a world full of many secrets to discover...
NOTE: This game is still in its early stages. Updates are posted both on here and on my Twitter page. All media presented of this game are subject to change. Follow me on Gamejolt/Twitter to stay caught up on updates.

♦ Long ago, there was a great war that sparked against the forces of good and evil across the sacred land of Zypheria. Teras, the Great Demon Lord of Temptation, and Iris, the Guardian Angel of Zypheria, challenged and fought against each other for centuries until Iris had finally put Teras in his place, entrapping his soul in her sword and planting it atop the highest mountain in Zypheria, Mount Magma. Since then, peace had been restored to the land and its inhabitants worshipped Iris for her prowess and prosperity. Legends said that if anyone dared to seek out the sword and grasp the handle of its blade, Teras would absorb their soul and reawaken, bringing forth the apocalypse. The Zypherian military kept the sword locked away in case that legend was true.
Many years passed, and the sword, nicknamed "Necrostutter", continued to be kept well preserved by the Zypherian military in an old cathedral atop Mount Magma. Several societies had grown more technologically advanced than others. The city of Forzar, for example, had suspended themselves above the clouds in search for tranquility. Thyria had somehow constructed an underwater utopia that served as a powerhouse for the majority of Zypheria. Needless to say, the land had been living quite harmoniously.
That was, until someone put the legend to the test...
In that instant, Teras reawakened and thunder struck across all of Zypheria. The sky faded to a dark violet, and storm clouds began to spiral around Mount Magma, pulling the life from the once-lush grasslands and forests of Zypheria. Teras, with the power he had been conserving for many years now, handpicked seven individuals from across the civilization to be his local subordinates, and shared a fraction of his power among them and sent them off to command their assigned areas. Teras then conjured an army of demons with everyone left over. There were only a few, however, who were somehow protected by a mysterious force...

The "Temptation" Mechanic
In POWERLESS CHAOS, you get to choose what temptations you want to give into, whether you want to feel powerful with Wrath, move faster with Pride, or even none at all. But with each sin comes a cost. Will you lower your defense to be able to move faster? Or have more HP at the cost of restoratives healing less? Or will you give into temptation at all? The choice is yours. Below are the different temptations with their benefits and drawbacks:
♦ Gluttony - More max HP, HP orbs restore less (Orbs are healing items that are dropped from enemies)
♦ Lust - More max TP, TP orbs restore less (TP is pretty much like MP from any RPG game, they stand for "Tech Points")
♦ Greed - More max GC (Gold Coins), GC orbs restore less
♦ Wrath - Raises attack and power, lowers max HP (Attack = sword damage, Power = gun damage)
♦ Pride - Raises movement speed, lowers defense
♦ Sloth - Raises defense, lowers attack and power
♦ Envy - Raises luck, lowers XP gain (Luck = orb drop rate)
This system offers a variety of different play styles. You can have all temptations at 100% if you wanted to. You can have Wrath at 100% where your attack/power is greatly increased but you run the risk of being insta-killed with 1 HP. You can be super fast with 100% Pride but you'll probably get hit more often. Anyway, I think you get the picture. This is the main mechanic for the game.

Nightvision/X-Ray Goggles
Many items can be found and/or bought throughout the game, two of which being Nightvision and X-Ray goggles. These goggles allow the player to view the world from a different lens. Nightvision goggles allow you to see in the dark, while X-Ray goggles do the same as Nightvision goggles except you're also able to see hidden areas as well as invisible objects/enemies. This concept was inspired by the different visors in Metroid Prime.

Ability Crystals
Ability crystals are soul-filled crystals that are found in shops/chests and can be equipped to give you special abilities. You can mix and match these crystals however you want, in whatever order you want to equip them in. You initially start out with 2 crystal slots, but you can gain up to 12 by leveling up. A crystal slot is gained every 10 levels, with level 100 being the max level. Collect them all and build your character however you want!

♦ D. L. Binion (CardinalCoder64), a.k.a myself, is working solo on POWERLESS CHAOS (for now at least). I am the artist, composer, programmer, writer, and everything else in between. The idea of this project sprung up in my head when I was a young teen back in 2014. The concept has gone through so many changes since then, and I held back on making it public until I was in a position where I could regularly work on it. Now that I'm finally in that position, I'm eager to get working and deliver a finished product that everyone, including myself, can be satisfied with.
Few things:
- There's no official deadline for the project yet as it is still in its early stages.
- I am currently working on a demo of the game.
- For now the best way to support the project is to click follow and spread the word. I may consider a kickstarter if I notice that the game is getting enough attention...
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CardinalCoder64
Itch.io: https://cardinalcoder64.itch.io/powerless-chaos

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