Comments (8)

My video on the Max Mode and Aggressive Hard Mode is finally out, one thing I would recommend on Aggressive Hard Mode to make it more difficult (and I played it all with my headset volume off so I didn't know at the time, and also verifies it possible to do without any sort of sound) but you should remove the pop sound of characters moving in that night to make it more difficult.
Max Mode and Aggressive Hard Mode Completion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRnUdVaWGWw

My video on this fangame released 6 minutes ago and here it is, a video on both Max Mode and Aggressive Hard Mode will release in 1 hours time.
Just got finished playing the main game of this fangame and I got to say, I think it is a step up from Five Nights to be Afraid, which is nice to see, it functioned well (besides sometimes where all game audio would cut out randomly and I would have to reload the game) and it had some difficult but fun gameplay which felt rewarding when you could beat the nights (especially when it came to Night 6, no spoilers for that of course). Video on this fangame will be out in 4-5 days like with Five Nights to be Afraid, and I'll link it when that happens.
Y este goty?
Project 76 (Full Game)
Full Game
Project 76 (DEMO)
this may include bugs, and glitches.
Project 76 is a FNaF fangame.

The story consists of you having a nightmare where you need to protect yourself from the animatronics that you saw in a pizzeria as a child, and were afraid of them.

The gameplay consists of two corridors, one on the right and one on the left. And a Pirate Cove behind you that you need to check every now and then.

FNAF by: @realscawthon
This game is being made by: @ThePhaseManGames
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed