Comments (3)
U ever gonna finish this bro
why didnt this game release like it was planned

Redwall: The Hostage is a point and click, puzzle horror game, with different puzzles and mechanics in each level. You are faced with daring choices, allowing you to choose how the story progresses. Each level, you have 3 lives to beat. Loosing all 3 lives will cause you a game over.

Klark has always been a troubled man. His childhood was rough, bu thankfully, he was introduced to The Sovereign of Ignis at a young age. He was a loyal Servant for 15 years, and was the only one able to ignite the Shrine of Ignis, a totem used to communicate with Ignis during rituals. However, after he learned about Ignis's true plans, he left the cult. Years had gone by, and Klark was living a normal life. Until he was kidnapped, and his wife was put in danger. Now, with a daring choice, you must decide whether to pay your dues, or stop Ignis once and for all.
This game is a HORROR GAME, and contains flashing lights, loud noises and jumpscares.
#horror #survival #pointnclick #strategy #analog #other #action #puzzle
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference