3 months ago

2024 June news

Wow, where has the time and days gone?

What i've been doing

I've been quite busy with some projects so i haven't as active on here as i'd like. However, what i'm been doing has been worth it to me. I'd love to share with yall though right now, the pieces i've done are on my Patreon right now.

In terms of art

well, it's at a standstill. While i've gotten better at using a mouse to draw...It's taken more time and patience than when i had my touchscreen Laptop to do art.

The laptop still needs a new hardrive and i've only earned so much towards getting the part i need and it's gonna take a bit longer. T^T

In the meantime, i've been working more on traditional art and adopts using bases as that's easier for me. I do upload the traditional art to line and color as i used to before i got a touch screen.


I've been wanting to try streaming again for games since my current laptop i did get for gaming so it'll handle quite a bit more than my touchscreen could.

I'm not ready to start just yet since there is something i have been working on before i can reboot my twitch ^ ^

All in all, that's what's been going on and i do hope to be more active or at least pop in and give news or some poems ~

Take care all and stay safe. ~



Next up

...painful mood...

New month, new start...Let's Gooo!

(May the 4th be with you ~)

How Fucking Fasinating, do tell me more as i love hearing all the shit pouring from yer mouth. ~

(Mini joke but sometimes that's just a mood when shit happens lol)

Doraemon Animatronic

Drew this instead of sleeping but i don't care.

It feels good to draw again. Not perfect and it's gonna take practice to get to where i was but sometimes, you just need to revisit your roots and just enjoy the process. ~

flaws can be beautiful too

Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)

Motivation low

so look out below

Gotta recharge

gotta rekindle

be kind, be fair

Take in a breath of fresh air

Look at nature and unwind

Do yourself that much and take time

...oh my Fazbear

so darn cute 😭🥺 edit: i'm having lasagna for dinner by coincidence, lol

Sleep sleep

count some sheep

close your eyes

take a slumber

saw some lumber


listen to water falling or flowing

a gentle thunder storm

calm and soothing

not enough?

find what eases you

what brings you

into the dreamscape

for a visit this night