The Maze Where The Minotaur Lives
3 years ago

Added a Minotaur Statue that has a secret compartment hiding the key. You'll need to find the shiny red gems to open it if you ever want to escape the maze. All done with a little whack from your new arms.

I also added footprints and few new sounds.

There's no dev article this week. But if you're interested in how this is being made, feel free to visit the blog.




Next up

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

I've been taking everything I've learned on The Maze Where the Minotaur Lives SRP and making it fancier with even more pixelated lighting.

Unity's Scriptable Rendering Pipeline no longer supports in-built Lens Flares, so I wrote my own.

Highrise Game Jam Reminder: In order to enter to win the Jam, your game must be created in Unity and submitted using the Highrise Studio Hub.

Learn all the deets about the jam at https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

I've added maps to The Maze Where The Minotaur Lives. Plus a few other changes.

🥳 The Highrise Game Jam is Underway! 🥳

Watch the video for tips on getting started building your first world in Highrise Studio. (Creating and submitting within Highrise Studio Hub is the only way to enter the jam!)

Learn more: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

I finally came up with a title for the maze SRP project. It's called "The Maze Where The Minotaur Lives".

Been experimenting with post-processing effects in SRP, adding an outline and a painterly depth of field effect. There's also a new HUD to keep track of items picked up and how many lives you have left!

(Swipe to the right to see the original image!)

: Aseprite

After a couple of weeks of polish and tweaks, The Maze Where The Minotaur Lives is now ready to play. Have fun!