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ESP: Parche 3.5.2r ENG: Patch 3.5.2r PT BR: Patch 3.5.2r
When rehaces un adefesio(?
2021 ( Primera imágen )
2024 ( Segunda imágen )
Silly Mouse.
#WIPWednesday i miss doing wip wednesdays so this is what im currently working on the last scene is unfinished and i still have alot of scenes to add but i really like alot of stuff i have done so far so i might aswell show that of :D
ESP: Está a poco de llegar. Quizás cuando menos te lo esperes, llega. ENG: It's just around the corner. Maybe when you least expect it, it arrives. PT BR: Ele está bem próximo. Talvez quando você menos esperar, ele chegará.
this sure is an abandoned enigma. give me 20 dollars
ENG: New project, new little things.
ESP: Nuevo proyecto, nuevas cositas.
PT BR: Novo projeto, novas pequenas coisas.
Mowgli's Palace CD-I ( 3.5 )
Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!
ESP: Parche 3.5.1r ENG: Patch 3.5.1r PT BR: Patch 3.5.1r