
9 months ago

Had to do some camera work because apparently the player character was unloading before the cameras, which made it mad. Which is weird because the functions that were triggering should not have been triggering in the first place. Like, at all

Also did a little cleanup of the townhouse. Had to change the camera there, too, because the building was too big for an appropriate FOV. Houses are still the same, with the camera locked, but townhouse was too big

From there, I did a little cleanup on the interior. It was really difficult to get to some of the jars, so that got fixed. Also did some scaling just for visual interest

Worked on the inciting cutscene and added the player's quest. As usual, functional, not pretty

Things that must get done before making the prologue video:

  • Attack animations for player and enemies

  • Misc. animations for player

  • Pretty-ify some of the dialogue (actual dialogue, not just placeholder)

  • Follower attacks/damage/animations etc.

Other things that should get done:

  • Follower actually follows

  • Item usage in battle

  • Battle actions (defend/flee/etc)

  • Certain blocks so player can't leave village during attack

  • Cut off saving during attack

Things that might get done:

  • Small side quest which could result in gaining a particular follower earlier than just waiting for the main story

  • Treasure tracking, so player cannot reload a map a thousand times and get a thousand treasures

  • Inventory limits (this is literally a single line of code, but not having the limit is really nice for testing stuff)

Things that will likely get done:

  • Shiny stuff, i.e., literally anything else

Today's progress brought to you by Eternal Eclipse



Next up

Did some more work trying to fix up whatever went wrong and...yeah, let's just cut to the end where it didn't work

Started a new project, made some changes, derped around a little, made this cute little guy

Battle State Machine is working Player chooses what to do, enemies choose what to do, and they even have variable rates of attack/defend/flee. Next step will be to actually start dealing damage

Lots of modeling the last few days. Got some houses made, remade some of my terrain blocks (rebuilt the harbor), and started on the NPC models. Also worked on the battle system and the follower system, now with 1/10th the code but 10x more efficient

Happy Video Game Day! 🎮

Celebrate by completing our quests!

(They'll be in your quest log until September 19th.)

With exception of some minor odds and ends, the home interior sheet is finished, which means I can start on all the levels. The next house (level 9) is an old farmhouse, the kind that had a bazillion rooms

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Art day today. Did a little messing around with the cupboards and some furniture. Got a wine cellar, shower and tub and such. Probably redo appliances, spiff them up a bit Once I get all the major stuff in, then I'll go through and build the levels

Decided to do some work on the save/load. Name, Chapter, and even Total Play Time CORRECTLY FORMATTED Will work on the chapter banners later. Free time formatting code below

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

Practicing a song?

Something else?

Tell us in the comments!

Ah, yes, Grandpa and Grandma's old farmhouse, with a million rooms, basement full of mason jars, and the old '57 Chevy in the garage

I mean, not my Gramma and Grampa, but someone's, right?