11 days ago

Happy June everyone, and happy Pride! I hope you all had a fantastic May and are all doing well!

Here's my Progress Post, lets get to it! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)

Crossposted from; https://www.patreon.com/posts/104034085

I've had a few set backs recently, landlord significantly increased my rent and my phone tried to explode, but the game is going great and the Goblins are doing well!

Brand New!

Added a new Building and System, the Mail Box! Now Goblins can send you letters and gifts at the end of the day!



Added the options to collect the gift, as well as store and delete mail!



There are now multiple Mail types, including Hints, Small Talk, Gifts and Requests.

The first request is for a house, after that they'll ask for you to add specific things to their home that relate to their Job.

The plan is for house objects to increase their happiness and improve how well they work. Will also add Island Requests that boost all



Actually I think I'll make requesting a place to work the first one, since Goblins can sleep without a home (they've got sleeping bags!), but they can't work without a place to do so. Houses are also quite expensive resource wise.

Mail code is updated to check if the sender has a place to work. Question is do I add a vowel check to fix the grammar, or just hardcode it. Hardcode would actually be better for when I eventually add different languages.



(╹ -╹)? oh shoot, that first request is from "Anonymous", that's a bug! Gonna fix!! Should only have Anonymous gifts and tips, not requests...

Updated the Mail text to highlight specific key words.



Reworked how Crops are draw, making it easier for my to add new ones from sprite sheets. Also remade the Pineapple crop cycle!



Mail code is updated to check if the sender has a place to work. Question is do I add a vowel check to fix the grammar, or just hardcode it. Hardcode would actually be better for when I eventually add different languages. (╹ -╹)?

Slight issue here where an "Anonymous" Goblin was able to send a request.



Updated NPC houses to let you build Ovens in them.

This'll probably make Goblin Chefs happy, but I'm not sure if they really need an Oven at home since you can only buy food from them in a Cafe/Restaurant.

Also added Brownies!



Fixed a bug with Saving and Loading Crafting Buildings while they were crafting. Seems I didn't update the Crafting check to be an array check, which caused it not to load the amount left to craft...which made them craft negative amounts forever! :S

Also split off the load code so I can use it for House parts, so now that works too!





Reworked the Emote system, I was missing a reset in a couple places. Now the Goblins react better when you give them a home, or evict them (why would you do that?!?!!? T_T).



The Emote reaction was random, so I reworked it to let me pass the ID of the Food you ate (or gift you gave) through to the Emote system to create the correct reaction depending on if the Food was liked/had harmful effects.

Swapped out my basic countdown that lines up the effect with a Tween which lets me have it trigger a script, that way I can pass the ID along the way! Otherwise I'd have to store the value somewhere.

Didn't get the timing values right straight away, but once I remembered how the particle life relates it all lined up again!

Unfortunately this breaks spam eating...so a further rework of how the tween is stored and triggered was needed!



Further rebuilt the Eating/Reaction system.

Now the Food has a direct effect on the reaction instead of it being random.

Testing the Player eating:

Carrots gives an Unhappy reaction

Baked Banato* gives and Angry reaction

All other food produces a Happy reaction

Next I need to swap that to NPC likes/dislikes

*cursed food created by my GameJolt followers, it's a Baked Potato with a banana in it



Ok, NPC Likes and Dislikes is working. I need to add a new particle and animation for the Favourite though.

Default is to like the item If the item has no grouping, or the grouping is not the same as the favourite items group, then it's Unhappy If it's the hate item, then Angry

That should save me having to add more data!



Updated how the Convo System gets text. Now I don't need to keep all the text in memory at once, it runs a lookup script and gets the specific text needed based on current situation.

Eventually I'll probably offload the text to a file instead of code, but it really shouldn't make much of a difference? I guess now I need to start writing more lines of text... T_T



Further update to the Emote System.

Player Eating food effect change;

Default: Happy.

If food reduces a stat: Unhappy.

If food has a debuff: Angry!




Did a rework of what happens when NPC's are trapped in an area. Previously they'd just teleport randomly until they were out, but I thought there might be reasons players might have to keep Goblins/Animals in a specific area.



Unfortunately this caused them to start walking backwards?!?

Ended up redoing the code that picks the direction they face, it now uses LengthDir to get it based on the current and last x/y position.

Replaced the emergency teleport code I had for when Goblins are trapped. Now there's still the teleport code, but only if they area actually trapped inside an solid object. If they're just walled in, they'll try to plot a new path.

When I get around to adding some Idle animations, I'll probably have that play after too many failed path attempts.

Also updated the pathfinding code so Goblins no longer get too close to walls, so it looks less like they're standing on them



Wall Hangings

Since I made it so you can hang things like Wall Torches and Paintings on Walls I figured I could finally add the Pride Rugs as actual flags. The original reason for doing them as rugs was I had no idea if this would be possible. I was hoping to just use the same sprites, but it doesn't look great. Gotta redraw!



First though, lets sort out the fact that they're wider than the walls, tried just adjusting the image scale, not great and needs maths to offset. Something else!



Changed how the collision check works for Wall Hangings, used a rework of my floor check code. Also changed how the collision check for cycling the flag works so you can do it whether your over the controlling Wall or not. It might still be better to give the option of cycling through these from the Build Menu, so you don't accidentally change your flags during play?



I was being really dumb trying to figure out the best way to make the extra wall that Flags cover also bounce, when really all I had to do was make the flag bounce instead!I think this rework is all done? Added cycling to the Build Menu, stopped you placing flags over wall torches, fixed some stuff with how torches are placed.



Few minor fixes, looking much better now!




Decided to finally get around to adding cost to expanding Buildings, but working out maths for the cost took a while, I did it totally wrong at first adding the size of both axis together then adding an extra bit. I should have multiplying them both together.



Buildings now have specific Material Cost and refund for changing the Wall/Floor types! Also updated the Expansion Cost, making it relative to the current Wall/Floor types.



I actually messed up some of the Cost code for buying things, which was used here too, so fixed it.

Here I'm double checking the inventory amounts, to make sure the correct amount was removed and returned.



Hmm, Wall Hangings don't work with Buildings, gonna need a pretty extensive rework!



Hmm, first attempt I can only place Wall Torches where there's a bed...collision check must be inverted!



Got the Wall Hangings set up like everything else, where you can only place them if they're part of the room, but slight issue...resizing the House causes a crash. Going to have to rework how House resizing works. This is for the best anyway since I'm currently destroying the whole house each time you resize.



Worked out how to move just the outer most part of the walls, and then fill in the gaps with new wall. Slight issue where the AutoTiler for walls looked like it wasn' working? But it's because I wasn't updating the depth of the walls after moving them, so t he wall above is overlapping them.



Now that's all working, need to update the Wall Hangings positions when moving the walls!



Urgh, found a bug! With this new resize system, you can resize the wall into the player! Need to add the player to the collision check!



I think the House rework is all done now? You can move Wall Hangings.



And it wont let you move them to overlap with a different wall.



The Hangings move with the Walls, and you can't move the Walls INTO a Hanging on a different wall.



You can move them and destroy them too!



I liked my old box selector indicator, but it was kinda bad, so I've swapped to having colour boxes to show valid placing to build/move/delete things. I'll add an option so you can choose the colour of these, so it's better for colourblind people.



Food and Crops

As well as Brownies mentioned earlier, also added Melons;



And Spaghetti! Spaghetti requires you to cook Pasta first. So it's probably gonna have some decent benefits!



I've still got a bunch of new food/items I need to draw and add, but if you've got any favourites feel free to mention and I'll see what I can do! (if I can't draw it, or the ingredients it's not happening though! X'D)

Bug Fixes and small Changes

Not many this month, since I was mostly doing big reworks!

-Fixed Crafting Buildings causing crash when saved and loaded during crafting.

-Fixed a bug where the Clothes palette shifter would make the Goblin partially transparent.

-Fixed height of things in rooms not being adjusted to the height of the rooms floor.

-Fixed weird visual bug where some lines of text would get weirdly cropped along their bottoms and have misaligned characters.

-Removed some pixels from the portrait mouth sprites when the mouth is open so it doesn't have a straight solid line anymore.

Additional things!
I drew two new portrait gifs this month, first was a Goth Gobling (Gothblin?) for Goth Day


And I drew a Youtube Streamer called Hazelnutneko, you should check out thier streams they're pretty dang cool! https://www.youtube.com/@hazelnutneko


Thank you all so much for the support, I hope you all have an amazing June, please look after yourselves and keep being awesome!





Next up

Just cleaning up some code than I'll get to the thanks! Sorry I've not been around, I crashed out after my grans birthday.

Here's the amazing cake my mam made! It's topped with my gran's favourite chocolates, we took much joy out of picking them off

Lol, I think I need to start again with the line breaks for this. They aren't happening at the end of the line, only when you do them manually

Ok, so I'm not entirely happy with it (and I forgot the clamp) but the Onscreen keyboard can now be used for other things, like changing the players name.

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

Happy Sunday everyone! No Sunday lunch for me today...because it's my Grans 94th birthday!!! So we having party food! I hope you're all having a great weekend, remember to look after yourselves and make sure you're staying hydrated!

Take Care!

Tonight's The Homies VC session

Pet Menu Updated! You can now RNG your Pets name or Type a new one!

I have hacked at my code, it lies before me in pieces and

it doesn't work

Well, manual line breaks work, but no mater what I try it wont detect the line length and add one. It even shifts the whole line down one (not only the once). >:(

Not having fun

Blue 'n Beautiful Blue isn't just a sad color

SO. Couldn't get the shader to work, it kept using the same colour as the font, and wasn't turning any size. So I edited the font to have an outline. This means I can't scale my font since I have to do each size manually.

Maybe I can scale the UI instead.