Bailey's Eternal Darkness
4 months ago

Happy New Year 😃😃😃.

Hi everyone Aidan here, and I hope you're having a great new year, and what not but overall, this year has been bonkers, and what not for us but we have some news for you about Bailey's. So where do I start?... Ah I know let us talk about the demo, so the demo is in production but here's a catch the models in the demo will change in the full version of the game. Why? you may ask... Well, here is the thing we are wanting a more horror scope for our characters, also try to match with the reference sheets we got for them, and more of an eerie/creepiness feeling to them as well. Like FNAF Plus for example it had a horror vibe to the animatronics, and they fitted in well with FNAF PLUS because of how scary they were made by Phisnom (Phil Morg). Now for the bigger, and more kind of sad news. Me, and @Retroworks have been talking and well... We might change the game ENTIRELY. Meaning it might be more of an original mascot horror game, and that means we will change the story, gameplay, mechanics, and possibly the environments too. Now yes, we have not given you all teasers in a long time because of life, school, and other/personal projects. And we do apologize for the silence mainly because we don't want to hype our game because if we do, we might end up like how Steel Wool was with Security Breach. Meaning we do not want to do a bad story, or break promises to you all is what I'm trying to say here. Now look this is STILL a discussion me, and @Retroworks are still thinking about so things might stay as it is, or it might change. For example, if Retro says no, we are keeping the name and it will stick as a FNAF fangame, but if Retro agrees with the idea, then we will make an original mascot horror game, and that includes changing the name too. But yeah, I hope you all have a great new year, and great night 😁.




Next up

Bailey is looking even more creepier than ever 0_0.

(new logo)


Wip on the map it self

Btw we will use some props from SKETCHFAB to make stuff go fast with the map.

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]



(For both PC and Android devices.)

Bailey officially got an UPDATE

Model by: @thiagoofc

Edited by: WG

New page and IN NEED OF HELP


Just a fanmade logo for FREDDY'S DECEPTION

by @Lysander_Dev and @ThingyMajig