I did use a refrence for this and I'm trying a new artstyle, so that's why this looks drastically different than my previous art. I'm trying to practice a lot more as well so that's helping. Anyways I hope yall like it because I'm in love idk how I even did it lol

Next up
I got strep, not very ideal :/
Anyways expect some kandi as promised and possibly some art later this week and next week cause I'll be home from school 👍
We're asking the real questions
Updated bead tour 1/2
Featuring the minecraft backround
(Not sure why they're sideways) I was intending to make these earlier my apologies, anyways. Poob and Pest! These were so much fun to make! I hope you like them :)
Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)
SUMO!! Believe it or not this is actually my first time drawing a dog and I love how it turned out.
Ask and ye shall recieve! Gir! I've never seen the piece of media he's from, so I hope these fit him well. I was gonna give him ears and a tounge but my string had other plans lol. Plus he glows under my LEDs
Silent Glow - Unitas (OC)
Drawn on Krita, streamed the process on Discord for all 2 of my closest friends (but only one came)
Consider this the rare art drop of the month and my attempt at redemption after I drew this one: https://gamejolt.com/p/silent-contemplation-subject-unitas-oc-kr…
Updated bracelet tour 2/2
Featuring the minecraft backround again
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