Muppy Muddington Tale

1 year ago

New demo released! Things are getting really crazy in my personal life so I probably won't be able to work on this for a month or two, and it's very buggy so keep that in mind Mac & Linux Builds will release soon. It wouldn't build so I'll try again later

Update 5/18/2023 3:40pm EST : The Linux(Appimage) build is currently uploading and will be available momentarily. I did not test it cause I don't actually have a Linux(or Mac) Apparently I clicked the build button twice, and using the free version of Gdevelop only allows 2 builds a day so I'll release the Mac version tomorrow.

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Next up

Still tryna figure out GMS2's sequence editor. Doing a quick test animation to get a feel for Monotious' more complicated movement. I also included some other random extra stuff at the end. Not as good as I would have hoped, but I'm still learning so eh

Mini Update for a belated Valentines day: Progress is still going good, gonna try and finish up a quick tech demo for release the 26th. Also trying to practice facial expressions for the characters to feel more silly and fun, here's few using Monotious.

Concept art for the first mini boss Ally Gater, I really like how she turned out.

Wanted to draw something in a(slightly) higher resolution style compared to my normal drawings, so I drew Lilly. Tried to capture a Paper Mario esque vibe with it, and I'm really proud of how it came out!

I'm still trying to make this look and flow better, any advice?

Progress is going smoothly once again, my attempts at animating the cutscenes are still...not good, but I am learning.

I'm going to try to get a new demo out soon, the prologue is roughly %75 complete, it's technically beatable other than boss fights, bonus levels, the sub area, and some cutscenes, it really needs some major touch ups though(especially Heatway Desert).

I was originally going to do the prologue section last, since the original plan was that it would a remake of MTB:TDOW but I changed most of the plot and gameplay so I decided to do it first plus it stands on its own anyways. So anyways here is a teaser!

Today is the "Muppy The Bunny" series 10th Anniversary! Honestly, it's less of a series up until now, and more so weird experiments and concepts strung together on impulse disguising itself as a series. Thanks to everyone who's supported me throughout!

Wanted to practice drawing something different than usual so I drew Sans since the Deltarune newsletter just dropped lol. pretty proud of it being just a real quick doodle.