2 months ago

Rate (not good at pixel art)



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A* Pathfinding, which is a form of pathfinding designed to be a more efficient solution, is what you are looking at right here. Or, to be more specific, node based A*. (Continued in article)

Work in progress animations for Halo: Fireteam Echo using @bamfyu 's "TopdownCharacterRig-AnimationToolkit" ( https://gamejolt.com/games/bamfyu-assets-dump/744496 )

All assets are placeholders.

Note: The Game Page for Halo: Fireteam Echo is currently a work in progress as well.

Showcase of the old version of H:FE. This is NOT what the final product is going to be like, this was more of a test project so i could see the direction i wanted to go in. Only the good parts of this will be ported to the real game. Any thoughts?

A little update on the side project, its gonna be turned into something later on but its only really testing stuff. What yall think bout this?

Here's some old WW2 art i made for a game idea that never really turned into anything.

tekken 3 in turbowarp (concept done with SW2 and pen+ v6)

Stress testing the pathfinding engine after i did some work on optimization. I also felt like it was needed to change the order at which each node pathfinds, therefore making the ones closer to the destination go first. Implementation coming soon!

I know it's not much, but it's still something. Enjoy this thing i made for fun/no reason to kinda tease Halo: Fireteam Echo. I'm trying my hardest to get a working alpha build out soon. (turn ur volume up)


Gonna start working on some A* pathfinding soon for my upcoming Halo game, wish me luck :D