meaty city
2 months ago

Reworked freezer.



Next up

I tried to make a sketch with all the bosses in the game not from a top-down perspective.

Personally, I'm not sure about the implementation, but my mom said that it looks cool, so it is.

I tried to make something similar to a grappling hook. Not sure if he will fit into the game or not.

#shooter #action #topdown #horror

I decided to make the first boss vulnerable to a specific type of damage at different stages of the battle to teach the player the game mechanics.

🕹️ Enter The Highrise Game Jam Before It Ends On May 5! 🕹️

Learn the rules here: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

Learn how to make a world on Highrise (which you MUST do to enter the jam) here: https://gamejolt.com/p/the-highrise-game-jam-is-underway-watch-t…

The jam has cash prizes! 💸💸💸


My friend said he looks like green Sonic.


Мой друг сказал что он похож на зелёного Cоника.

Deterrence demo now available! Add to your wishlist today!

This menu is a bit crowded.

Sprites for friendly NPCs.

Спрайты для дружественных НПЦ.

Fighting through the hordes of undead.

Now after death the level does not reload instantly. The player leaves his corpse and must press a key to restart.

Теперь после смерти уровень не перезагружается сразу. Игрок оставляет свой труп и должен нажать клавишу для рестарта.