11 months ago

this is the initial state of CardyHeim, theese moves are not all there at the beginning. we need to equip active card to execute them. next : adding some SFX and VFX



Next up

GrundHeim coming soon on steam.

CardyHeim is now released in GameJolt, check that out -> https://gamejolt.com/games/CardyHeim/811024

this is just a fraction of CardyHeim Demo that just release, please download and Play CardyHeim and give feedback for future development. here -> https://gamejolt.com/games/CardyHeim/811024

Looking for a fun #gamedev challenge? Highrise Game Jam starts April 29 - May 5th. Check out the rules and submit a game before the deadline to win some serious CASH MONIES!

Learn all the deets: https://gamejolt.com/c/gamedev/highrisejam

Now there is a place to rest, you can manage and see all cards in your deck. the deck, the enemy, the cards in hand, HP and buff will be reset. its also act as a checkpoint

Long awaited weekends lay ahead of us☀

A perfect time to admire the views of Arkana! Build a cozy house on lake shore, cook your masterpiece of a dish, invite some friends to the table and together meet a picturesque sunset🌄

adding enemy, camera movement, parallax effect. did you notice the vertical line? anyone know how to make them gone?

Adding some more enemy and their unique card drop and attack, I plan to finish the first demo version later this month, what do you think?

My 6yo self would be very happy to know somewhere in the future I created this chocolate lake

GrunHeim is now available on GameJolt, check it out -> https://gamejolt.com/games/Grundheim/771300