12 days ago

Voidstone now includes highly advanced QoL features, like a pause menu!



Next up

After much hemming and hawing over the architecture, I finally got the persistent player upgrades system implemented.

working on a new level design, and added a new enemy! these little guys harass the player by scurrying around them and dropping mines

Time for a 3d art pass on my VS clone project, working on a new mech design to replace the prototype model. I'm loving this grease pencil line-art modifier in Blender, now to see if I can translate this into Unity shader graph XD

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)


Join The Discord For Updates


Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Getting pretty close to the style and rendering features that I want in Unity for this project.

Modeled in Blender and rendered in Unity.

You knew Olaf, Ale Abbey's fluffy doggo. Prepare to meet Otto the cat, the monastery Cellar's sleepy restless guardian🍻⛪

You will - indeed - be able to pet them in-game for a bonus in Satisfaction!🐈☺️

#indiegame #petthedog #pixelart #screenshotsaturday

I'm thinking that I need to change the art style for this project to something which I can produce and iterate on faster. Which of these two styles for the mech do you like more? Modeled/Rendered in Blender.

Refactoring some code, trying some new UI elements and adding some new features. Still working on developing a new visual style.

Collected new gameplay footage this week. And finally found (and added) a new piece of music that suits the mood of the game

First pass on the walk cycle for the new mech design, rendered from blender viewport.