10 months ago

Refactoring some code, trying some new UI elements and adding some new features. Still working on developing a new visual style.

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Next up

I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm...

I hope you guessed Ham Sandwich.

Working on the mech selection in the main menu. One of these will be in the final game.

We're giving out War Thunder starter pack keys!

Comment on this post to request yours!

Learn more (including how to redeem the codes if you get one) 🔽

After much hemming and hawing over the architecture, I finally got the persistent player upgrades system implemented.

The eighth winner of our INAYAH Joltbux giveaway is @hiberd !

Enter by completing this quest: https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway

We'll pick one winner for each day the quest is active! 🤯

Voidstone now includes highly advanced QoL features, like a pause menu!

I'm thinking that I need to change the art style for this project to something which I can produce and iterate on faster. Which of these two styles for the mech do you like more? Modeled/Rendered in Blender.

Skye the Bunny is on a desperate search for her lost brother, Claudio… but she’s not alone in the dark.

🐰The Bunny Graveyard II launches next year!

Finished the first 3D art pass, finally. I wasn't really happy with the outline at this point, so I've shelved that for now. The lasers at the end are my favorite part right now