Immortal Sins
9 years ago

Weekly Update #15 + Windows 10 Compatibility Report

Time for another update. This covers some technical aspects.

Save System:

Short version: Almost done. Long version: I have changed the format to avoid some confusion and while I have moved the default save file location, due to limitations, I can’t yet place it on the My Documents/Saved Games folder. I have to wait for a script update and until then, I may not be able to ship the feature on the next update (hopefuly on the near future, it will be added on a future update). I will also do a small UI tweak on the Save Menu. I will release a transfer tool or a guide for that when it’s availible if needed.

World/Dungeon Mechanics:

I’ve added some sort of AI on some enemies when exploring dungeons and some areas. This mostly for a stealth system (basic but workable). In addition I managed to make ships movable on the sea. There is a bug with the priority to iron out (if possible to fix), but it pretty much works.

If you are wondering what’s going on with the bug with the mother blocking off the exit of the home, I have fixed it, but I am doing a bit of an overhaul on the eventing, and the fix will be shiped with the Disc 1 update.

Menu and Quest changes:

Along with a fix, I’ve also tweaked the vocabulary make way for the scrollbars. I will also introduce a quest menu (reffered to the game as missions menu) in order to track side-missions. I might expand the Diary option to not only allow saving but also track main missions (or story missions if you prefer).

Windows 10 Compatibilty:

I did some tests and I can confirm that the game is compatible with Windows 10. Please note that if you use the Insider Builds, I cannot guarantee optimal operation of the game due to lack of a sample and to the trivial stability and compatibility. Obviously the next update will come with some compatibility updates (especially on the launcher and the installer), however Windows Vista will no longer be supported as I am transferring the launcher from .NET Framework 4.6 and the Installer to support a more recent version of Windows Installer.

Update: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 and Windows Installer 4.5 does support Windows Vista. It may be supported after all, but I do not guarantee that. I may use Windows Installer 5.0 as it has more features (and unfortunatelly it only supports Windows 7 and higher). I’ll let you know ASAP.

That is all. See you on the next update.



Next up

While I'm preparing August's Monthly Sync, I'm preparing a Trello board for the game. You can see what I'm working on here. Pardon my dust, while I'm getting this up and running.

Jump List returns in the next update.

Enjoy a nice dish, get a nice buff. What's not to like?

Waz zis? An overhauled map? Yes. Coming soon.

Wrote a tool that installs the game's dependencies. That means Northbridge will always use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.

Done some improvements to the backup system. Even added an icon to let you know that it's working.

A small teaser for the next update.

It's still pretty early work, but I am working on making the UI more dynamic and sleek. Including faces changing depending on their HP.

Added the option to rebuild the cache. This will clear the cache and then decompress the files from the packages.

Added achievements. Because why not?