My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Post about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!

The 5 month crunch rush is over, aaaannnd... the game's still not done.
In short, we're 1 meetup away from having a Beta build. But that meetup won't be until June 15th because the entire team has personal life stuff to deal with.

Ох уж этот Спайк

I drew my favorite MLP character Derpy and Nino together :D

The two goofy fellas

So I might have gotten sucked into the whole MLP Infection thing and wanted to try my hand and drawing some of the MLP characters, and redesigns. First up is Applebloom, read the article for more info!

✏️ : Procreate

⏰ : 5 - 12 - 24

#MLP #DigitalArt

“Any final words, you miserable worthless whore of a foal?”

Twilight was embarassing in this movie gosh

English : oh my favorite pony decided to play sports

Espanhol : Oh, mi pony favorito decidió hacer deporte

Portuguese : oh minha pônei favorita resolveu pratica esportes

