SCP: The Foundation
Post about SCP: The Foundation!

WIP Artwok

Say hello to our best GOC, no really he is usually fed up over the dumbest thing


you can find this in my profile to since im an idiot and I didn't know how to post stuffs.



This time its for the ingame cutscene


Silent profile, so I decided to share this with you guys

Current State Of SCP: Enigma’s development

Special Thanks: NemoTM, ShadowScale48 (SCP: Unity Artist)

Please Read Article Below!

What do you guys think of the new redesign? Its supposed to be a bit more IRL tactical gear accurate.

You like leaking SCP-096's face, don't you?

SCP-173 Redesign

Made this when the original creature of the Sculpture placed a copyright on the design and image. Making it so It can't be used in SCP anymore. This is my take on the design.