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#ArtWeeklies, I decided to post another living object picaso style creation (hmmm, it's almost like I'm the one who suggested that theme for precisely this reason )

Anyways, hope you enjoy

One Shot is by far one of my favorite games, and it happens to have row-bots in it as well! (pun intended) so that's two of last weeks #ArtWeeklies themes! ^.^

(hey, at least I made it within the grace period )

Hope you enjoy ^.^

color queen organised an event for everyday artists to make small statues of themselves to put on a raised platform in the town center

Here is a sketch doodle I made as a Server PFP idea for a Friend's RolePlay StoryBook DiscordServer

It's the #ArtWeeklies theme #DeadLands even so I didn't really make it look that dead ^^"

I got lazy lul, don't have much to day, other then don't worry I would have coverd me up somehow, just got to lazy to do so

tell me if I should spoiler it

also it meant to be me as mother nature lul, because I love nature and Will Have AppleTree Babys