
They say that the pen is mightyer than the sword, that's why the Super Ranger chose the bow.

Discover more about Super Rangers in #CheatDefence CARDS!

#GameDev #CCG #IndieDev #PixelArt

In ages past, the Motherboard was once ruled by a great Dragon King. His rule of the Draconic empire was cruel and mercyless, until a stranger came to his palace telling tales of riches...

Discover the end of this tale in #CheatDefence CARDS!


Other than the fact that they are all brothers, not much else is known about the Sandbags. What they are or where they originated from remains yet a mistery.

Discover more about Sandbags in #CheatDefence CARDS!

#GameDev #CCG #PixelArt #Card

Cheat-dragons aren't as cruel as most of their kin, as they have been known to spend most of their day above the cloudtop, admiring the stunning view.

Learn more about Dragons in #CheatDefence CARDS!

#GameDev #PixelArt #Dragon #CCG #IndieDev