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finally got Sonic Battle! it came in a little sandwich bag thingy.

I've been wanting to play this game again for a long time.

now I can test if my NDSLite's GBA slot works. it does! yay!

2pic. wow, that's my first skill? Lucky first skill!

I'm having fun!


since I'm confused about how am i supposed to put a console into a realm, I just drew a quick Mario I guess...

my favorite console is the Nintendo Switch

it's a home and a handheld console. yes...

my other favorites are the Nintendo DS and the Wii


1st pic: yay, I fixed it!

it was just dirty

I cleaned the slot

2nd pic: look at that artwork. Waluigi lookin' cool

3rd pic: yes, knuckles in Sonic 3, not Sonic 3 & Knuckles

4th pic: Why is New Super Mario Bros DS in Korean!? is that Korean?

1. Whoa! Nintendo DS Lite irl

2. ma ugly stylus

3. my DS carrying case

4. mah games

5. why does Mario Kart DS look like that?

6-7. why games no work...? (I tried them all...) nooo, it doesn't work on my brother's NewNintendo3DS either...

yeah! R

I did the art on my Nintendo DS Lite in Pictochat