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#ArtWeeklies, I decided to post another living object picaso style creation (hmmm, it's almost like I'm the one who suggested that theme for precisely this reason )

Anyways, hope you enjoy

One Shot is by far one of my favorite games, and it happens to have row-bots in it as well! (pun intended) so that's two of last weeks #ArtWeeklies themes! ^.^

(hey, at least I made it within the grace period )

Hope you enjoy ^.^

color queen organised an event for everyday artists to make small statues of themselves to put on a raised platform in the town center

Warning this post might Spoiler you all for Future Artworks of mine

this might also get you excited or disappointed for some of said artworks

Here is a sketch doodle I made as a Server PFP idea for a Friend's RolePlay StoryBook DiscordServer

It's the #ArtWeeklies theme #DeadLands even so I didn't really make it look that dead ^^"