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Particle effects. Small and simple but always satisfying. This farming game is coming to Steam soon and is available for wishlisting. #TheFarmingFrontier

#GameMaker #IndieGame #FarmingSim

Changed the old Cactus into a new one, and made some minor changed to the Dragonfruit Cactus. It's still a tree though...

Should the Small cactus wiggle when you walk though it? Maybe not.

#gameDev #indieGames #pixelArt #goblin #farmingSim #farmingRPG

OK! Small Cactus are now technically Rocks, but I've made them harvestable with the Axe like Trees and Grass, and made Hammers not work on them...although I was tempted to keep that.

#soloDev #indieGames #goblin #farmingSim #farmingRPG

Add Lemon Meringue Pie. And learned how to spell Meringue!!
Recipe and crafting structure will change, probably to an Oven? I think Oven will require more than just Flooring to build...
#gameDev #indieGames #goblins #soloDev #farmingSim

Took a while to get around to, and it's not very pink (my palette doesn't have one), but I'm happy with my Cactus to Dragonfruit Coffee pipeline!

Based on a recipe by @unicornface…
#goblins #gamejolt #farmingSim #farmingRPG #soloDev