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The Cool Stuff continues!

The Move List / instructions page tells you what all your moves are! You can also find some handy tips to help you elevate your combat from noob to pro level.

Definitely check it out if you feel lost!

I haven't decided the hero for this game yet but I have decided the next bosses.

Here are shots showing those bosses:

Another Crusade - Part 5
Another Crusade is similar to the original game called Super Mario RPG on SNES. It is like an old school RPG that you know how to use action commands and oth...
Another Crusade - Part 4 - Boss Mini, Miney, & Moe
Another Crusade is similar to the original game called Super Mario RPG on SNES. It is like an old school RPG that you know how to use action commands and oth...
Another Crusade - Part 3 - Boss DragonFly
Another Crusade is similar to the original game called Super Mario RPG on SNES. It is like an old school RPG that you know how to use action commands and oth...

Fine-tuning and improving the popular swap mechanics to diversify the gameplay and make it more interesting for players

#twilightwars #indiegames #gamedev #dungeoncrawler #turnbased

Another Crusade - Part 2 - Boss Stn-rex
Another Crusade is similar to the original game called Super Mario RPG on SNES. It is like an old school RPG that you know how to use action commands and oth...

Another Crusade - Part 1 - Boss Nimus Ogre & Demon General Arc Don't forget to leave a like and share! | By @DragonVeinStudios | #anothercrusade #another #crusade #pcgame #pc #game #lembrosgame #walkthrough #playthrough #rpg

Another Crusade - Part 1 - Boss Nimus Ogre & Demon General Arc
Another Crusade is similar to the original game called Super Mario RPG on SNES. It is like an old school RPG that you know how to use action commands and oth...


It seems I forgot to add some parallax mapping when I declared the mapping system was done a few days ago.

Anyway, I've just fixed it.

The video is just test. You can add as much layers as your CPU can.

#gamedev #game #rpg #pixel #pixelart

"Remember: Your next move should set up your next move!"