General in GameMaker

Why Abathor is Nominated for Best OST at DeVuego 👇
Thank you all 🙏

For day 768 of coding, I am current working on animation to use different tools. I will show each one as they are completed

This Monday, Abathor Event Week! ⚡
▪️Steam Couch Co-Op Fest! 🎮
▪️25% OFF! ❤️🔥
▪️ 1 Credit Challenge with a Physical Certificate for the winner! 🏆
▪️Also a Physical Edition for the Winner! 📀
▪️ Digital Edition giveaway
▪️Digital certificates! ⚔️

For day 767 of coding, I've now enabled the sprite walk animation for the four cardinal directions

For day 766 of coding, I've started making changes to allow for a new sprite for the player character
character sprite is from the "Legend of Zink" asset pack by Balloon Cart

For day 765 of coding, I made another tree that will take more hits to chop down. I will later need to put in animation, or some other way to indicate that the tree is being hit

For day 764 of coding, I have fixed the issue with how the tree resource is drawn

For day 763 of coding, I am making progress on correcting the tree spawn; but there is still some work that needs to be done