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For day 493 of coding; I have finished 3/4 of Heartbeast's second video on random level design, focusing on the player and collisions

The player placement is a bit unrefined at the moment


For day 492 of coding, I have decided to start learning about randomly generated levels. For this I have finished the first video of a tutorial by Heartbeast

I did change the floor colors to better stand out from the walls


For day 491 of coding, I have managed to apply the mouse interaction to the rest of the split game


For day 490 of coding, I have allowed mouse interaction for during the split hand. Later, I will have mouse interaction for the split game's end


For day 489 of coding, I have altered the size of the "How to Play" box in order to make sure everything fits right


For day 488 of coding, the mouse can be used for most of the game now. I just need to set up the mouse interaction for the split hand


For day 487 of coding, I gave mouse functionality to half of the main game


For day 486 of coding, I have given functions to the arrows and return button


For day 485 of coding, I have changed the layout of the "How to Play" section a bit. I will later add functionality to the arrows and return button


For day 484 of coding, I have given functionality to the rest of the buttons in the options menu