
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Looks nice, the pictures and so on. When can we try the game ?

why does this game not have more follows or likes???

I like the art direction and quality of it.

The game looks great !!!


Ravenlore is a Third-Person RPG set in medieval times.

You play as a young knight who serves a fanatic order of knights in the Tenrisch Empire. Training to become a warrior since childhood you are send to war in a foreign land you barely know about. Time will tell who your real foes are.

A wild and dangerous world is waiting for you.


The features include:

• Exciting story and quests

• A vast open world to explore

• Realistic medieval combat

• Inventory system

• Unique design

• Dialogsystem with Lipsynchronisation

• Questsystem based on choices

• Beautiful Cutscenes

• Huge Sieges and Battles


The Tenrisch

In the realm of the Tenrish the church holds all political and military power. The Tenrisch believe in only one god and persecute dwarfs, elves and magicians in his name because they do not recognize them as creatures of their gods. Once upon a time, the Tenrish faith produced not only fanatics but also saints and scholars. Today, however, the Inquisition determines the true faith and does not tolerate deviation. The knights of the Tenrisch order are particularly feared by their enemies, because they combine the fanaticism of the Inquisition with the martial arts of their order.

The northern Realms

The people of the north are just uncivilized barbarians in the eyes of the Tenrish. But once the empires of the north were one powerful empire. After the mysterious death of their last great king and the royal family, it fell apart into weaker individual states. Since then the north has been weakened and it is questionable whether an invasion by the Tenrisch can be repelled. Time is of the essence, but only a few empires have formed loose alliances. In contrast to the Tenrish, most of the northern peoples pray to several gods of a whole family of gods. But the gods have turned away from them it seems.

The Elven Kingdoms

wage a costly war with the Tenrisch in which several of their empires have already fallen victim. They are completely without allies because other peoples do not want to turn the Tenrisch against them. In return, elves are popular trading partners, as everyone wants to share in their wealth and knowledge. Although elves can live very long, they are slowly dying out because too few children are born. Your only salvation would be an alliance with the people of the north or the dwarves. Elves strive for perfection and wisdom, but also tend to be cocky. You have to earn your friendship first, but it usually lasts a lifetime.

The Dwarfs

Dwarves are unsurpassed blacksmiths, crafty builders and, despite their size, die-hard warriors. What they lack in size, they make up for in strength and ingenuity. However, their stubbornness and preference for beer are notorious. Whenever possible, the dwarves keep out of human affairs and, like the elves, specialize in trading. They do not hold a grudge against the elves but distrust them. The dwarves built their cities as impregnable bastions far away in the stone of the mountains, but at some point the war itself will have reached them.

#rpg #action #adventure #medieval #strategy #action

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference

Hi Guys!! Here are some new Screenshots which show my current progress. The game Ravenlore is an RPG set in a medieval fantasy world.

Hi guys! Here is a new Worldmap for my game Ravenlore. It is still work in progress. Ravenlore will be an RPG in a medieval Fantasy World.

Here are improved Character concepts. These might look more realistic now.

Ravenlore made a lot of progress recently. That means it features a combat system, a dialogsystem and a better UI. I am still busy making the Quest system which will be a non linear.

To ensure this project doesnt fail I need some advice about movement systems and combat in Unreal Engine. This is very important because fancy graphics wont solve my problems.