1 year ago

At current development point I'm experimenting with my own new game architecture needed to make my games development more structured, stabled and faster.
As new architecture will be finished - Neamee project will be migtrated on it.



Next up

Main character design changed.

Next iteration of Main menu design Added some VFX and animations

First iteration in loading screen design

Experimental mini-game Game based on very scalable SOLID architecture with my realization some sort of DI and interface-based event system. Targeted for Android platform (URP). Models and textures (exclude character) were taken from UA store.

Active tasks I'm working on: 1. Camera behaviour corrections 2. Polising UI 3. Main character's active ragdoll 4. Foliage improvements at 1 and 2 locations 5. Adding some context-based animations for main character

New gameplay design for mobiles.

Visual representation of active suit amplifiers.

Added details to main character's look

Continuing adding new mechanics, fixing bugs and polishing first two locations - for demo.