Mega Man: The Rulers of Space

7 months ago

I lived, bitch.

Been mostly asleep since the neck/spine surgery. Still paralyzed, not sure how much I will recover. And they cut my beard!! Worst part 🀣



Next up

Hit Flash, with bonus Hit Stop on charged attacks! πŸ’₯ (Also trying a new video format to help with GameJolt's apparent 30fps max video quality. Hope it comes out OK.) #UnrealEngine5 #megaman

Working on more material features for Sprites in Unreal Engine 5. The ability to have a solid Color Overlay (will be important for 'flashing' on damage taken), and a global Sprite color multiplier. #gamedev #unrealengine

It's my birthday! But the present is for all of you.

Enemy objects now explode into parts, similar to some other Mega Man titles.

#gamedev #UnrealEngine #megaman

Sometimes it's just cool to put the game in slowmo and see what it looks like.

#UnrealEngine #gamedev #MegaMan (60fps video link in replies)

I'm playing Simon's Quest with my wife. It's one of her favorites.

Bless whoever made the Map and retranslation mod for it.

Rulers of Space is SO CLOSE to a stable locked 240fps 1080p on SteamDeck. I think it's a realistic performance target at this point. πŸ’ͺ

#UnrealEngine5 #gamedev #megaman #steamdeck

In-Game music! What I found out about Meta Sounds in #UnrealEngine5 #gamedev


(Twitch is down for some reason, sorry!)

Project Update for Mega Man the Rulers of Space - then - checking out the excellent Color Mod for Mega Man 4 (GameBoy) by MarcMax (not me, the other Marc)!

πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄

πŸ”΄LIVE! Let's make more bodyparts! (For enemies to blow up into.) + Overview on how I did the Flash and Hit Stop. Weekly update starts NOW! πŸ”· πŸ”·

You have no idea how SICK I am of having to setup this Cast branch over and over. Never again! #unrealengine #unrealengine5