Rock Beyond Time
2 years ago

I'm gonna have to delay the Level-Up mode just a little more.

Why? Because it's awkward to release an update around Christmas.

So, you'll have to wait until after Christmas.

Level-Up mode is harder, and will require some strategy to play it.



Next up

When you don't know about copyright laws when it comes to fonts, you either take a chance, or make your own.

Of course, in the world of sprite art, that doesn't leave many options.

As a writer, you learn to just make stuff up. As a science-fiction writer, you justify the stuff you just make up.

"Derma" is related to "skin", and "myo" is related to "myoelectric prosthesis".

Something in the plan for this game will change. With any luck, it will be a change for the better.

I know. It looks pretty much the same as before. I just needed the motivation to do more with it.

...and an excuse for all sorts of robots at a convention to be attacking Pinafore, specifically.

Part of the expansion involves a cute little fight right here. space for no apparent reason.

...too bad it won't be as epic as the final boss, but still...

I felt some mechanics were underutilized, so I'm making an expansion.

...more or less just a side quest and extra dungeon. No more than that here.

Coming who-knows-when.

...let me be honest, the convention level isn't working well as a platformer.

So, I think I should add top-down sections. The combat would work about the same. I think you shouldn't jump in top-down mode, so sliding will take its place there.

I realize some players just want to play the game and see the story, while others may actually want to use those revival items, so here's a little compromise for you all.

Also, yes, I NEED to put on that "Pro" flag everywhere.

In case anyone forgot, robots explode.

So do robot maids.

The next update may be full of bugs.

...moths, mostly.