5 years ago

Minor Update.

I changed the Anime background sound, for copyright reasons. I can't afford getting sued you know.



Next up

I just finished 2 more endings!

I was planing on adding only 4 endings but I think there has to be 5 endings.. (if my math is not off)

If I don't add the extra ending there will just be 2 outcomes that will end up with the same ending.

The "Bad Ending" is now finished, and you get a star for each ending you get.

I might be able to squeeze in 3-4 endings to the game.

I made the HUD look a bit different

What do you guys think, should the good/bad counters be visible as you play? check latest devlog video

It could make for a cooler experience, but still. If ppl don't know about the system, they might all use the bad one

This is the screen used instead of the "going to sleep" screen from the first game.

Right now I'm working on the story of Hayami-Chan & how she came to be. I don't want to reveal to much about it in-game, just clues and such things.

Been working on the title screen and a how to play section and some minor fixes.

I know I've said this a lot recently, but I've been very busy lately, I'll try to wrap up the game ASAP

a short little experience is better then devlogs and excuses.

The game is now finished!!

But before I release it I'll have @DuskRise Test it for bugs.

Once I got the report (and fix the bugs if there is any) I'll make a new game page & release it <3

Asked about this 2 minutes after it was sent to me, around 2 hours ago.

Posting it here in case someone else can tell me what the problem is, the stickers in question looks fine to me.

EDIT: This is solved

Different dialog when going home from work, depending on the good/bad status you end the day with

Right now I have to implement the good/bad dialog and triggers, after that I have to change/build the nightmare sequences

Nightmare day 2, 3 etc.