
5 years ago

Update: 2020-04-11

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to share updates regarding CloseCall, and what will be included in the next update!

The next update will be v0.23:

We are currently testing fixes for several issues, including:

-Player skid-marks not appearing

-Wheel Misalignment

-Unintended noise bug loading track / during "Ad" transition

Other things we are doing:

-Expanded Options Menu

Our game has been updated to Unity 2019.3.5f1.

With this new version, Unity has made the launch window where you can change resolution/graphics preset unavailable/obsolete.

We are revamping our UI code to be more intuitive and programmer friendly so we can build the options menu to give players those settings in-game. In addition, this new UI code will help us build further UI elements easier.

-Added Vehicle: Pioneer

We also have added the Pioneer into our game, its a small truck that's not afraid to go toe to toe with the smaller and faster cars.

-Tweaked Handling Physics

We are constantly tweaking vehicle behavior so they behave more like what you'd expect while also allowing future player modifications. We are currently using RCC, Realistic Car Controller, to help determine vehicle behavior, more specifically, wheel physics, as Unity's built in wheel collider is not intuitive. We want vehicle physics to be fun, while paying homage to the vehicles they represent.

In the next update, handling for handbrake has been adjusted to allow for more over steer. Built-in Traction-control (TC), and Electronic Stability Control (ESC) in RCC has limited the over steer potential. Our tweak disables these systems when you press the handbrake and drift. They will re-enable when you finish drifting for high-speed maneuvering.

-Tweaked Vehicle Collisions

We are tweaking vehicle collisions to behave less erratically. The collider we have used in previous versions were just the roll-cage mesh. This allowed vehicles to drive into cars and use them as ramps due to the shapes of the roll-cages. We decided to check if a Box Collider will produce less erratic behavior, We have added a simple box for all vehicle collisions, and it has reduced the chances of cars suddenly be jostled into the air. This box collider is temporary. Our next solution to this is to add meshes to individual parts and test the impact on frame rate in order for us to see if this is a cost-effective solution.

-Added Slight Bloom PP effect

We are experimenting with post processing effects, we currently have enabled bloom. Additional effects such as blur required us to re-do the UI system, and blur will not be in v0.23.

If it is all working as intended, this update will be released by tomorrow, April 12th, if not, by the end of April 18th!

Future features/bug fixes to be complete by the end of Q13 (May 31st) listed from earliest to latest:

-All Necessary UI Complete

-Revamp UI elements

-Fix PowerPoint Update

-Fix for blur effect, add blur

-Create Event Option

-Inferno Model Complete, Drive-able

-Scrollable Leaderboard

-Import Custom External Vinyl Texture Feature

-Adjustments to Dock Test Track

-Add derby area to Dock Test Track

-Derby Mode AI, and End condition complete

-Explosion Tweak Complete

All of these features are critical to build, tweak and experiment on our core mechanics, and deliver on the world and gameplay our project is promising

We hope to release our Early Access soon and use it as a way to financially support the project.

Future platforms include: Steam,, Kickstarter, etc.

We have also applied to Indie-Fund ( ) for assistance.

Thanks for following! And if you are a patron, thank you for your financial support!



Next up

Post v0.25: Whats next?

Post v0.35 - Bugs and Issues

v0.45.2 now available! See below for patch notes!

v0.25 now available! See below for release notes!

v0.35.1 now available! See below for release notes!

v0.47.2 now available! See below for patch notes!

v0.40.1 now available! See below for release notes!

v0.35 now available! See below for release notes!

Early Access Available: 0.48.6 on Steam!

v0.47.1 now available! See below for patch notes!