
4 years ago

v0.47.1 now available! See below for patch notes!

This update includes what we have been working on to polish the game for its early access release.

-Fixed most bugs related to event gameplay, such as respawn and lap count issues.

-Field Breaker logic is improved.

-Explosions now produce a shockwave and vehicles can wreck if caught in them too quickly.

-Vehicle AI are faster and adjust their driving to their vehicle.

-For Balance, events are now restricted to one class only. Temporarily, all events are now E-Class events only.

We still found that vehicles in the same class have great performance variations. We will be adjusting this as we continue.

In our next build, expect the following:

-Bug Fixes (Highest Priority is on Optimizing Vehicle Customization)

-Changes to handling models.

-Expand and balance gameplay, teams, sponsors and rewards.

-Examine and possibly create more differentiation between Arcade and Career.


-Fixed: Regular team name is now shown when selecting a team vehicle, instead of Team ID.

-Fixed: Potential HUD Errors not showing Driver Info or FBs on certain vehicles.

-Tweak: Vehicle will not spawn in vehicle selection until scrolling has stopped. This will help improve selection speed as vehicle spawns create a delay between selections.

-Added: Debug Menu. Pressing "`" key (Often referred to as "~" Key), a menu will pop up on the left. Pressing Tab will cycle menus.

It currently only supports showing FPS, and Vehicle Track Information, for lap counting.

-Added: Event Messages. These will display above the middle of the screen, showing you who you've wrecked, and who you were wrecked by.

-Added: Toggling HUD to all off will also remove Event Messages.


-Fixed: An issue where custom vinyl template for SC_3 (Ryu Ultra III) was named incorrectly, and prevented it from loading in game.

-Fixed: An issue where vehicles produced flames even when upgraded electronics was removed.

-Tweak: Drive Ratio can now be changed without purchasing an Advanced Drivetrain.

-Added: Race Number is now available to select in Livery Spec Menu. You can change the Race Number Style on your vehicle.

-Added: Race Number Style: Pro.

-Added: Race Number Style: Classic.

-Added: Decal Slots is now available to select in Livery Spec Menu.

Decals available: Rexer, Noxxed, Rush, Ferelli, Ryu, SRA, Alistair, Duraform, Dynamine, and Durant.

NOTE: These decals will need to be earned through sponsor reputation, and will be removed when that system is in place.

-Added: Decal Slot: Large Sponsor. This decal will be placed on the hood, sides, and rear of the vehicle.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Front 1. This decal will be placed on the front bumper.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Front 2. This decal will be placed on the front bumper.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Hood 1. This decal will be placed on the hood.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Hood 2. This decal will be placed on the hood.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Side 1. This decal will be placed on left and right sides.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Side 2. This decal will be placed on left and right sides.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Side 3. This decal will be placed on left and right sides.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Side 4. This decal will be placed on left and right sides.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Rear 1. This decal will be placed on the rear bumper.

-Added: Decal Slot: Small Rear 2. This decal will be placed on the rear bumper.

-Added: Driver Name is now available to select in Livery Spec Menu.

-Added: Driver Name: B&W. Black and White Color Scheme.

-Added: Driver Name: W&B. White and Black Color Scheme.

-Added: Vehicle Body Kits: RYU Ultra III: Front Bumper Duraform D1.

-Added: Vehicle Body Kits: RYU Ultra III: Front Bumper Duraform D2.


(Note: Stats are a representation of performance.

They do not affect the physics in any way, unless noted in physics.

Our goal is to get stats as close to the actual performance of the vehicles.)

-Tweak: Gains above a threshold for Acceleration and Speed will experience diminishing returns.

-Tweak: Acceleration stat is now affected by Drivetrain Efficiency and Transmission Efficiency.

-Tweak: Strength stat now only affects performance stat by 1/4 as much (25%).

-Added: Drag Cross Area now added to detailed stats menu (cDA).


-Fixed: An issue where players could earn action points while wrecked.

-Fixed: An issue where Field Breakers do not register potential vehicles, and will not give access to player.

-Fixed: Field Breaker assignment of triggers and potential detection improved.

-Fixed: An Error in ObjExplosive script.

-Fixed: Possible Issue with Incorrect Lap Count when wrecking.

-Tweak: Vehicles will now detect respawn area for potential obstacles, and more likely to respawn in an area without other cars or debris.

-Added: Field Breakers and Missiles will now carry source driver information, so that wreck counts can be registered and counted.

-Added: Stunt: Close Call Action Points are rewarded for escaping an explosion.


-Fixed: An issue where visual settings are not saved.

-Tweak: Reduced pearlescent paint's glow, and increased specular.

-Added: Vignette increased when entering shockwave.

-Added: Visual Settings are now saved in a VISUALSETTINGS.cfg in player save location.

Settings are not self-explanatory and will need to be expanded in future updates.

Avoid modifications to this file.


-Fixed: Waypoints too close in Figure 8 Loop 1 where vehicle can loose lap count if drifting at high speed and high angle.




-Model: Ryu Ultra III, seperated rear quarter panels.

-Model: SRA Inferno, redesigned to v2, seperated rear quarter panels. Sunstrip added.

-Model: Durant Pioneer, seperated rear quarter panels.


-Team Vehicles will now show their team's logo above the windshield or on a sunstrip.




-Fixed: An issue where vehicle collisions resulted in high velocity ejection upwards.

-Tweak: Explosions physics tweaked.

Explosions now produce a shockwave area that persists for a short duration.

They also have the ability to wreck drivers when entered too soon.

-Added: Drag Cross Area. Vehicles now have better drag calculations.

-Removed: A limitation in RCC vehicle physics setting all player vehicles to max speed of 300 kmh.


-Added: AI vehicles can spawn with random decals.

-Added: AI can now adjust driving behavoir based on their current vehicle.

-Added: Driving: Adjust Braking based on Deceleration stat.

-Added: Driving: Adjust Cornering Speed based on traction.


NOTE: "Experimental" are not confirmed yet to assist in performance.

-Added: Performance Manager, to assist in improving performance.

-Experimental: Dynamic: Vehicle Chassis Disabling: Vehicle render disabled if vehicle is out of view of camera.


-Fixed: An issue when entering a FB Required event, incorrectly determining vehicles with FBs are not allowed.

-Tweak: Class Restriction added to all Crafted Events, temporarily E-Class Only.


-Fixed: Audio settings not applying correctly after loading a save.

-Fixed: An issue where music returning after pausing the game with music level at 0.

-Added: Action Track "A Second Behind" with 3 intensities.

-Added: Music Intensity increase when race gets closer to finishing.

-Added: All audio paused when in pause menu.

-Removed: Non-Original Action Track.

Photo Mode:

-Tweak: FOV controls for better predictable responsiveness.



Known Issues (We are currently working or planning to address these later):

-Stuttering or when changing body parts, wheels, or changing livery options, such as color, decals etc.

-Player respawns in incorrect locations, or under the map.

-In dense traffic, vehicles may still spawn on top of each other.

-Cinematic Cam during race start can glitch through ground or not play.

-Tutorial Menus can show up at incorrect times, such as in the main menu, or pause the game without resuming. Usually pressing start and selecting continue fixes this.

-You can pause the game in tutorials and after finishing the race.

-Wheels appear through smoke.

-Game starts lagging after long gameplay.

-Vehicles can get stuck on end due to box colliders.

-Debris can launch vehicles into the air.

-Nitro animation does not stop when pausing the game.

-No caps to suspension and wheel dimensions.

-Stats exceed vehicle info box.

-Event setting allows for beacon selection as FBs, but beacons do not exist in the game currently.

-Signs in Unknown Dock: Figure 8 Loop, are not solid.

-Sometimes, AI have trouble driving their vehicle (Fishtails on long straights, not braking, or turning enough)

-Control Display Appears in Title Screen when leaving event.

-Scharfe LMP-H does not have an interior.

-Objects in Menu will appear different, close or farther away after leaving a race (FOV not reset)

-Vehicles may not be balanced with other cars in same class.

-Some Career Events may be impossible to enter due to restrictions and limited vehicles.

-Vehicles may oversteer when they should understeer, such as the Celeste.

-On player vehicle finish, vehicle may skid / keep handbrake on.

-Menu Animations may appear stuck or not play, making a selection or backing out will fix this.

-Spoilers of certain cars do not change color with the rest of the car.

-Restarting event may cause game to hang for a bit.

-New Livery Loading will cause game to hang longer or more often when loading vehicles.

-Oxford One does not have proper Livery Decal Placement.

-Ryu Ultra III Duraform Bumpers have improper texturing in some areas.

-Textures on rear of Inferno are distorted.

-Smoke particles left by missiles disappear prematurely.

-Inconsistencies in settings in visual settings menu.

-Some Celeste Vinyls have black hood outlines

-Sometimes music doesn't end when leaving before race starts

-Drafting bonus is inconsistent



Next up

Early Access Available: 0.48.6 on Steam!

v0.35 now available! See below for release notes!

v0.35.1 now available! See below for release notes!

v0.47.2 now available! See below for patch notes!

v0.45.2 now available! See below for patch notes!

v0.40.1 now available! See below for release notes!

Post v0.25: Whats next?

Update: 2020-04-11

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to share updates regarding CloseCall, and what will be included in the next update!

Post v0.35 - Bugs and Issues

v0.25 now available! See below for release notes!