Please Delete your save data located in [OS Drive]\[User]\AppData\LocalLow\Kinetic Games\CloseCall\Test.sav
before loading the game, saves before v0.40.1 will not work in this or future versions. This will cause a crash.
-Tweaked: 'Basic Paint' and 'Vehicle Body Paint' have been tweaked for realism and to offer more of a difference between paint types.
-Fixed: An issue with currently selected body parts being installed when going back a menu.
-Fixed: An issue with Event End Menu not having selectable buttons.
-Fixed: An issue causing UI/HUD elements to revert to render behind objects instead of ontop.
-Tweaked: Removed rim paint icons Color 1 and Color 2, Added: Spoke A/Spoke B/Lip/Interior Rim Color Icons. Rim color menu re-organized.
-Tweaked: UI is now synced to main camera FOV, vehicle UI will no longer get cut from screen behind vehicle at high speeds.
-Added: Vehicle now self drives after ending the event.
-Added: Vehicle, RYU Ultra III.
-Added: Vehicle Body Kits: RYU Ultra III: 1 Headlight.
-Added: Rim paint has been further divided into 4 segments: Spoke A, Spoke B, Lip, and Interior.
-Added: Rim, "Mono".
-Added: Rim, "GTS".
-Added: Rim, "Bolt".
-Added: Rim, "SX".
-Added: Rim, "Traction".
-Added: Rim, "PRO15SVI".
-Tweaked: Nut Axle Model for realism.
-Tweaked: Adjusted Cargo placement of Unknown Dock, Loop1, Track Switch FB.
-Tweaked: Container Side Ramp Entrance in Unknown Dock, Loop1, has been adjusted for easier navigation at high speeds.
-Removed: Container FB after jump from track switch has been removed.
-Fixed: Barrels dropped from helicopters did not experience gravity.
-Tweaked: Improved steering by having an independent steering return based on vehicle speed (Caster effect), seperate from player input.
-Added: New explosion relative angular velocity and relative force. Future tweak/implementation required.
-Tweaked: AI System Overhaul, integrating with IRDS. They are able to navigate pre-determined tracks, use drive lines, overtake, and sense other drivers.
Future Implementation will improve AI behavior.
-Added: AI will delay their track fieldbreaker usage by a set amount. Future implementation will expand this based on skill, current speed, etc.
-Fixed: Engine Audio Bug, not all audio files are loaded and used for vehicles.
-Tweaked: Inferno Engine Audio changed.
-Tweaked: New Engine Sounds for Celeste, Pioneer, and One.
-Added: Audio Options will now save (Upon entering a race only). Future implementation will save on exiting options menu.
-Added: Seperate Vehicle, Engine, and Tire audio Mix. Vehicle reset to 0 db, engine set to -7 db and tire set to 2 db.
-Fixed: An issue with incorrectly settings event laps. Laps are and event setting are no longer off by 1.
-Fixed: Removed the possibility to gain laps by driving past finish, reversing, and repeat.
-Fixed: Removed the possibility of finishing a race with 00:00:00.
-Tweaked: FOV adjustment in photo mode now factors in current FOV, to reduce sensitivity in lower FOV settings.
-Added: Ultra III, Veh_SC_3_CustomVinylTemplate.png added to Custom\Vinyls folder.
-Tweaked: Saves are now future-proof, implementing of new features will not cause the game to crash on loading. (Saves prior to v0.40 will not work).
Known Issues:
-Sometimes, Heading back to main menu creates background artifact of last scene in event.
-Sometimes AI respawns directly in front of other racers/players
-Cinematic Cam during race start can glitch through ground or not play.
-Tutorial Menus can show up at incorrect times or pause the game without resuming. Usually pressing start and selecting continue fixes this.
-You can pause the game in tutorials and after finishing the race.
-Explosions from FBs sometimes have no effect.
-AI behaving erratically or getting stuck at some areas.
-Music can loop very quickly.
-Wheels look odd in motion blur.
-Game starts lagging after long gameplay.
-Vehicles can get stuck on end due to box colliders.
-Nitro animation does not stop when pausing the game.
-Sometimes, exhaust particles do not show or are missing flares.
-Odd or incorrect spawning after crashing, can get stuck in scenery.
-Non-Team Drivers have the same Paint Scheme.
-In Pre Event Screen and End Event Screen, start button can be deselected by click of the mouse.
-No caps to suspension and wheel dimensions.
-Player Vehicle Starts bouncing, caused by restarting event while crashed.
-Stats exceed vehicle Info
-AI are unable to shoot missiles.
-Event setting allows for beacon selection as FBs, but beacons do not exist in the game currently.
-Signs in Unknown Dock, Figure 8 Loop, are not solid.
-Sometimes, AI have trouble driving their vehicle (Fishtails on long straights, not braking, or turning enough)
-There is currently no money cap for the ETD, so money in parenthesis '($10,000)' represent your debts. This is intentional.