#GJAsks who's my favorite platforming character to me which is Mega Man. For the blue bomber that start out controlling him as a tank-like to slide dash and charged beam along with the gadgets of Rush the dog on platforming game is a nice evolution.

what do i caption this with???
she do be sleepin though
for those of you who don't know what the weird light thing is, that's a television (though "distant cartoon sounds" probably gives that away)

I'm back home now. Rehab got me equipped with the basics of getting around with limited mobility, but the road to a full recovery is going to be much much longer.
Many more doctor appointments and rehab left to go...

The demo is out!
It contains the 4 playable Maverick stages.

A Little Update: I can't stand on my own power yet but I can shuffle around short distances with a walker. It's a hell of a lot better than being fully immobile!! My hands are improving too. Playing video games helps them a lot 😁

Am I tripping? Or is that fucking Megaman?!

Some dresses tend to be quite elaborate.
For Roll, this dress may be...too elaborate.
This drawing was requested by @Nerd_Metall , go check him out!