Therapy in The ADHD community

This can be therapy.

Can't even use the app

Off topic (swandy warning)

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Yesterday was my dads birthday and he was being ungrateful for what we got him.

I cant find the ring at my house

I feel so awful

Im a horrible daughter

I bet i ruined her day because i lost it and i can tell she trusted me to keep safe

Im literally crying rn

Nah thats wild bro

Found out im grounded for another 5 days

I was so excited for the weekend being feel like I've been going through hard labor this week

I also have a presentation that i have to do Monday and i don't really like talking in front of the class


Bruise, xray, and needle warning: After making this i literally almost died



For those of you who don't wanna click the link x2


For those of you who don't wanna click the link