general in The Legend of Zelda

Share Your Legend of Zelda Creations!
What the legend of zelda doyou prefer
2 votes Voting finished

Seeing this and not being able to get it right now hurrrrrrts. 😭

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#FaveZelda would probably be...
Wind Waker (HD), I think?
Something about sailing the seas in that game was incredibly soothing, and the cartoony art style was a treat to look at.
One of the best "classic" Zelda experiences imo.

I have tears of the kingdom!!!😭

Zelda's lullaby. sorry about the mistakes :(

My favorite Zelda Games are…
Tears of the Kingdom (I don’t have it yet but I really want to get it soon)
Breath of the Wild
Four Swords Adventures
Tri Force Heros
A Link Between Worlds
A Link to the Past
Minish Cap